The Marketing Plan Is Me!!!

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Soulville,USA, Ten-A-Key, United States
This all started as something that I only did on myspace to vent about Hip Hop and other subjects that I cared so deeply about!Myspace is so wishy washy sometimes when it comes to blogging and personal opinions that I just needed to find another outlet for my thoughts!So rock with a brother on this cause "Muthaf***a I'm ill!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Breaking Into The Industry And/Or Having A Rap Career Past Age 30...Is There A Market For 30 Plus Rappers In Today's Hip Hop Industry???

When one hears the term “Hip Hop” (or as the younger generation of music consumers know it as today) as just simply “rap music”…what comes to mind?Is it the high school kid with the luxury of having their parents foot the bill for every expense that they can imagine from the latest sneaker to the trendiest clothes that they see on every rap video or internet site?Or is it the grown man/woman who is a student of the culture,with years of seeing the game transform and grow from the beginning,who loves the music,culture,and innovation of the culture,but also respects the hustle and sees the game for what it is,all while having a family and mad mouths to feed?Is Hip Hop/Rap a “game” or a “hustle”?Maybe it’s both?I think that’s for the individual who pursues this so-called “rap game” to decide but…what about the age limits or age requirements that are presented when it comes to getting in or even staying in the “rap game”?Who set those age requirements in the first place?Was it the young rapper trying to get a deal but can’t because all the older rap cats are still clogging up the lanes after so many years?Or was it the “old industry label heads” who doesn’t even like rap music,but knows that it makes him a lot of money and he likes that?!!!Also,in most cases,with age comes wisdom!And most younger artist don’t even think about publishing and all that!They just want to shine and be seen by their peers!Not saying that all young cats are like that but,the older cats want that paper to flow a lil smoother and more regularly because they have more responsibilities!Now,as we can see,there are alot of questions that need legitimate answers regarding this topic!And the sad thing about this topic is that no one with any real legitimacy in this culture seems to want to step up and give an honest and direct opinion/answer to this question!Now,take me for instance,I’m a 30+(36 to be exact)lover and creator of hip Hop music!I’ve had the luxury of being born in the early 70’s which has allowed me to grow up right along side the culture!I’ve seen it’s highs and it’s lows,as well as it’s golden and consicious/political eras!I am a fan as well as an artist and tend to carry the torch for both sides but…my question is this…when do I get too old to rap or listen to Hip Hop music?Surely,there’s plenty of rappers my age and older still making credible music right?So why the age limits when it comes to getting older and growing with the music?I’ve never understood the age concept myself,but many people have a “misconception” of who rap/Hip Hop is truly intended for!!! Many rappers nowadays even come into the game with that same concept of looking to get out before or at the age of 30!Now,it might just be me but,if you’re 26 or 27 and you’re just now coming into the game,that doesn’t leave you many options for a career in music now does it?LOL.Maybe that’s why alot of younger cats feel the need to put out 2,000 mixtapes(or street albums as they call it nowadays)before they even get an official release date on their debut album!LOL.I’ve never understood that either,but,whatever!Another thing that bugs me out is why is rap always so-called targeted to the youth,but more often than not have an adult content attached to it?How many “bust it babies” do you know in the 5th grade?How many 13 year olds do you know who can “make it rain” in the strip clubs every weekend?How many high school students own a Maybach or a Phantom?Shoot,how many adults own a Phantom for that matter?LMAO!!!But all jokes aside,I honestly believe that there is an audience and age bracket for every type of Hip Hop music that is being made today!Whether it’s Gangsta Rap,Hyphy,Crunk,Native Tongue,Conscious,or even this so-called “Hipster” rap with cats like Wale and Mickey Factz!Saying that Hip Hop is for the kids solely is just like saying that basketball or the NBA is strictly just for Black folks!I tend to believe that Manu Ginobili proves that it is not!LOL.But,for real for real though,think about it,most of our top rappers in the game are older than 30!From LL to Jay-Z!From Nas to Common!Even 50 Cent is over 30!So…who pulls the plug on 30+ rappers?Is it the youth who are consumers of rap?Noooo,I don’t think so!!!Most of the youth in this culture are driven and controlled by what is fed to them by Viacom Corporations!(Which is another story!)But obviously older rappers pose a threat to somebody in a powerful postion in the music industry,or they would truly be embraced more by the labels and media outlets!Now,don’t walk away from this and take my personal opinions as answers to the questions that I presented!My opinions are just that…my opinions!But somewhere down the line for this culture to survive,we have to choose our own thoughts!After we start doing that,then I’m quite optimistic that the music and culture will follow!!!Peace!-Will a.k.a. Hip Hop Is Alive & Well

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